- Boys and their Pets/ Sold $185.00
- Around the Block /Sold $700.00
- Chariot Ride $600.00
- Smoke Break $100.00
- Oceanside Citiscape $1,200.00
- Flying giraffe $10.00
- Pet Fox $100.00
- Woman Riding Cat/ sold $100.00
- Mermaid and Peacock $20.00
- Angel with Fish /SOLD
- Blonde Mermaid/ Sold $430.00
- Cat on scooter $10.00
- Mermaid with Bouquet $1,200.00
- Bubbles $100.00
- No One Believes In Me $300.00
- Mermaid $100.00
- Chariot / sold $300.00
- Tiger in cape $10.00
- Elephant with Bow $10.00
- Irradized purple heart/sold $120.00