- Daydream $100.00
- Girl on Couch / Sold $600.00
- Painted Citroën
- Tiger in cape $10.00
- Walking the Dog $700.00
- Mermaid with Bouquet $1,200.00
- Goldfish Merman /sold
- Green irradized heart $95.00
- Private Party / sold
- Flying $300.00
- Oranda $10.00
- Smoking rabbit $10.00
- Pink heart/Sold $85.00
- Mermaid in coral reef
- Goldfish Merman / out of stock $3.99
- House On Fire $600.00
- Citiscape/ out of stock $3.99
- Landscape $5,500.00
- Flying elephant $10.00
- Cobalt fish/Sold $230.00