- Blue panel with prisms/sold
- Sharkboy $600.00
- Girl on Couch / Sold $600.00
- Woman with Crows / sold $100.00
- Girl with Aligator $900.00
- Dog Park $700.00
- Cobalt fish/Sold $230.00
- Boys and their Pets/ Sold $185.00
- Hold back the Night $100.00
- Smoking parrot $10.00
- Mermaid with Peacock $185.00
- Flying giraffe $10.00
- Fox and Crow / sold $350.00
- Private Party / sold
- Oranda $160.00
- Woman with cats $10.00
- Cosmic Dogs / sold $100.00
- Rats in rocket $10.00
- Party for Foxes /sold $600.00
- Calling Home / sold $300.00