- Bees /sold
- Chariot /out of stock $3.99
- Girl with Aligator $900.00
- Woman with Cats $100.00
- Mermaid on Swing / sold $350.00
- Irradized purple heart/sold $120.00
- Cat rescue $950.00
- Flying Rabbit $10.00
- Boxed In / Sold $300.00
Coffee Break
Rated 5.00 out of 5$20.00
- Blue panel with prisms/sold
- Sharkboy $600.00
- Party for Foxes /sold $600.00
- Woman with cats $10.00
- Orange and pink fish $10.00
- Cosmic Dogs / sold $100.00
- Blue Fish/Sold $120.00
- Underwater/ sold $300.00
- Zebra at cafe $10.00
- Daydream $100.00