- Squirrel
- Chariot / sold $300.00
- Boys and their Pets/ Sold $185.00
- Jump $20.00
- Chariot /out of stock $3.99
- Angel with Fish /SOLD
- Mottled red light catcher $65.00
- Merman Birthday $100.00
- Landscape $5,500.00
- Green irradized heart $95.00
- Sold $100.00
- Shout $300.00
- Shark in rocket $10.00
- Woman with Cats $100.00
- Party for Foxes / out of stock $3.99
- Hansel and Gretel / sold $700.00
- Blonde Mermaid/ Sold $430.00
- Oceanside Citiscape $1,200.00
- Mermaid with Peacock $185.00
- Oranda $10.00