- Jungle Scene / sold
- Unicorn in dress $10.00
- Irradized purple heart/sold $120.00
- Forest Stroll / sold
- Afternoon Song / sold
- Green mottled heart /sold $95.00
- Elephant Driving $10.00
- Stained glass table lamp $900.00
- Whimsical Citiscape $700.00
- House On Fire $600.00
- Cat on scooter $10.00
- Bird Queen $600.00
- Not a Self Portrait $100.00
- Cat rescue $950.00
- Fish on Sofa $800.00
- Mermaid with Shark / sold $900.00
- Around the Block /Sold $700.00
- Underwater/ sold $300.00
- Flying elephant $10.00
- Chariot Ride $600.00