- Blonde Mermaid/ Sold $430.00
- What's going on $800.00
- Landscape $5,500.00
- Oceanside Citiscape $1,200.00
- Dog Park $700.00
- Flying elephant $10.00
- Boy with Dogs / sold $120.00
- Underwater/ sold $300.00
- Afternoon Song / sold
- Shark in rocket $10.00
- Irradized purple heart/sold $120.00
- Phoenix
- Chariot /out of stock $3.99
- Oranda $10.00
- Flying giraffe $10.00
- Mermaid in coral reef
- Lagoon $600.00
- Woman Riding Cat/ sold $100.00
- Hansel and Gretel / sold $700.00
- Zebra at cafe $10.00