- Busy Day $1,000.00
- Party for Foxes / out of stock $3.99
- Merman with Seamonsters $600.00
- Cobalt fish/Sold $230.00
- Cat rescue $950.00
- Squirrel
- House On Fire $600.00
- Goldfish Merman / out of stock $3.99
- Mermaid in coral reef
- Stained glass panel $480.00
- Afternoon Song / sold
- Boxed In / Sold $300.00
- Fox and Crow / sold $350.00
- Shark in rocket $10.00
- Green irradized heart $95.00
- Blue Dog $10.00
- Mottled red fish/Sold $230.00
- Mermaid with Bouquet $1,200.00
- Green Fish $180.00
- No One Believes in Me $20.00