- Mottled green fish/Sold $230.00
- Bird Queen $600.00
- Walking the Dog $20.00
- Chariot / sold $300.00
- Little red ridinghood
- Rabbit with carrot $10.00
- No One Believes In Me $300.00
- Flying elephant $10.00
- Hansel and Gretel / sold $700.00
- Around the Block /Sold $700.00
- Pig in spaceship $10.00
- Mermaid with Peacock $185.00
- Shark/Sold $360.00
- Dog Park $700.00
- Boy with Cats /sold $250.00
- Irradized purple heart/sold $120.00
- Afternoon Song / sold
- Orange and pink fish $10.00
- Mermaid $100.00
- Flying dog $10.00