- Chariot / sold $300.00
- Angel with Fish /SOLD
Coffee Break
Rated 5.00 out of 5$20.00
- Painted Citroën
- Pet Fox $100.00
- Girl with Zebra $600.00
- Girl on Couch / Sold $600.00
- Tiger in cape $10.00
- Mottled red fish/Sold $230.00
- Party for Foxes /sold $600.00
- Boys and their Pets/ Sold $185.00
- Super Geek $100.00
- Mermaid $100.00
- Mottled red light catcher $65.00
- Unicorn in dress $10.00
- Caribbean Dream $280.00
- Jungle Scene / sold
- Cat rescue $950.00
- Shark Boy / out of stock $3.99
- Blue Fish/Sold $120.00